

I’m interested in connecting with you if we share values and a vision for the world. Freedom, non-interference in others’ lives, causing no harm, seasoned with compassion and kindness. My manifesto is a living document, evolving alongside my experiences. Currently, I continue to explore the universe, the emergence of conscious life, the process of learning for both humans and artificial intelligence, self-directed education, longevity, and technologies that can help people overcome power asymmetries and live fulfilling lives. I see both the potential and the risks of artificial intelligence, and that’s why I write about it. Other challenges and topics pale in comparison to this one. If humanity manages to survive and develop AI that contributes to humankind, my techno-optimistic dream will come true. Today, I already see myself as a ferryman between two shores. On one shore is the decision to live freely here and now. On the other is daily life as an expression of freedom. Have we encountered obstacles? Let’s overcome them. Education (not compulsory schooling and imposed curricula) and relationships are the river between these shores. Would you like to organize a talk, a retreat, record an interview, or work on something else? We can connect at

I’m focusing my attention on why I do things, for whom, and with whom, to develop infrastructure for these values.


Freedom as a Fundamental Value

For me, freedom means the ability to fulfill my biological, psychological, and social needs. To make decisions about my life without external coercion. To have options that I may or may not use, but that I can choose if I wish. To take my own paths, strategies to meet my needs, without interfering in others’ lives or causing harm without invitation.


Nonviolence and Non-Interference

Nonviolence is not only a moral commitment for me but also a practical approach to solving everyday problems. By non-interference, I mean respecting others’ needs, differences, and choices, and not interfering in their lives uninvited, from a position of power or authority. The goal is to create a world where every interaction is based on voluntariness, mutual respect, and not on oppression or coercion.


Kindness and Compassion as Principles of Relationships

What is freedom and autonomy without kindness and compassion? Left to my own devices, I could be an abusive Cruella Tyrantess. Kindness and compassion are the foundations of a non-aggressive world, where people act for their own good while standing up for the freedom of others because they know it also stands for their own needs. Until everyone is free, no one is truly free.


Decentralization and Personal Responsibility

A monopoly on power and violence conflicts with the needs of respect, trust, dignity, freedom, and autonomy. It creates an asymmetry of power. I believe in independence and decentralization that prevent privileges being allocated to just some individuals or groups through violence and power. Some technologies allow us to create alternative economies and infrastructures that are not subject to centralized, imposed authorities. We make our choices through what we invest our attention, time, and resources into. Personal responsibility and voluntary cooperation are key to building sustainable, autonomous communities, as I see it. Especially now, in a world with AI.


Freedom in Everyday Life Here and Now

Freedom isn’t something that will come in the future, once the political system changes; it’s something we create every day by how we live. I’m not focused on an ideal utopia but on practical steps that increase my freedom and opportunities today. Freedom can be expanded under current conditions, and when we hit limits, we can then work on overcoming them.


Call to Action

Do you want to collaborate on building infrastructure for freedom and nonviolence? I’m not a boss, and I don’t want a boss. Peer-to-peer collaboration makes sense to me. Whether it’s projects involving decentralized technologies, community initiatives, or creative entrepreneurial ideas, I want to work with those who share my values. Together, we can create a world, day by day, where our values are the foundational principles of every interaction.


Examples of Projects

– YouTube Podcast CZ
Alliance for Self-Directed Education CZ
Freedom to Learn CZ
Pause AI



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